This week's reward: the loser has to make the winner a dinner of their choice.
Previous Weight: 209 / 213*
Current Weight: 212
Pounds Lost: -1
Percentage Lost: 0%
* on biggest loser they go by the lightest previous weight and not necessarily the previous week's weight. so, although my last week's weight was 212, i'm still going off of 209 for the percentages and pounds lost.
Previous Weight: 289.0/291.6*
Current Weight: 285.4
Pounds Lost: -3.6
Percentage Lost: 4%
Okay, I'm on the right track again. I was getting worried that I had already hit that dreaded plateau! And for that to happen so early to me in my weight loss journey would be (and is) pretty discouraging. I started this new monitoring program for my diet and exercise, the food & fitness planner on, (click HERE to start your own!). Its really great because it plain and simply spells out what I need to do, and offers a way of tracking all of my calories consumed and burned during exercise. I love it! You'll see a post about it soon, so keep an eye out if you're interested. :)
Congrats bret! :)
New week's reward is a 10 minute foot massage.
Okay, I'm on the right track again. I was getting worried that I had already hit that dreaded plateau! And for that to happen so early to me in my weight loss journey would be (and is) pretty discouraging. I started this new monitoring program for my diet and exercise, the food & fitness planner on, (click HERE to start your own!). Its really great because it plain and simply spells out what I need to do, and offers a way of tracking all of my calories consumed and burned during exercise. I love it! You'll see a post about it soon, so keep an eye out if you're interested. :)
Congrats bret! :)
New week's reward is a 10 minute foot massage.