Quote of the Week: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ~ Lao-tzu
So, I've been working kinda hard on "me." The last few weeks. I've been making non-numerical goals every week and trying my best to be healthier, and be less focused on the numbers. This past week I went down 5.3 pounds! :)
So, I figured in celebration I would try to share some of my motivation with you guys.
I have a big whiteboard in my room, on which I've written many things to keep myself motivated. I have it in a place that I can't help but glance at when I'm in my room, entering or exiting. I have a two lists, one which includes my high weight, current weight, and goal weight, and the other which includes my change for the week and my goal of the week. That's all great for keeping me focused and reminding myself that I never want to go backwards. But, my favourite part of my board is my "quote of the week!"
I know it sounds silly, and kind of pre-school-ish to give myself a quote every week to aspire to, but it helps me. Monday is my weigh-in day, so on Sunday night is when I re-do my board - writing a new goal for the week (fyi: this week's goal is to do four work-outs, despite my hectic schedule, because last week was less busy and I blew my goal of "go on the elliptical one time" right out of the water by going on it four times and doing a kickboxing workout with my fiance!), and then I look up and pick a quote of the week.
This week I was just feeling it with this quote my Lao-tzu.So, I figured I'd share. (And I'll continue trying to share my quote every week, but I make no promises since this is about ME first and foremost, and I have a lot of stuff on my plate like unpacking from my recent move, catching up on work for my two bosses, and completing my thesis this semester....oh, and classes too of course.)
If your journey beings with the next step, where are you taking yourself?
(Feel free to respond in your head, or in the comments. I love feedback! :] )