Monday, December 20, 2010

TIP 2: The simple equation

dieting is crazy.
no sugar, low carb, no carb, eat only grapefruits, drink only this drink for a week, take these pills.
that stuff is for silly slackers.

results will take time, but you'll keep the weight off if you take the time to do it right!

losing weight is simple. (in theory at least.)

TIP 2: calories eaten must be less than calories used.

it makes sense.

you have to eat less calories than you need. this way you'll use stored-up calories, which are essentially pounds of fat.

a pound of body fat is approximately 3500 calories.

the average person needs a specific amount of calories per day to function.
this number is calculated by including factors such as height, weight, age, and activity level.
you can find a daily intake calculator online if you just Google it.

but for those of us who lack the attention span (or will) to count calories, we can simplify that equation into a simple statement: eat less, exercise more.

exercise is essential to weight loss.

you get so many benefits from exercise: you feel better!
cardiovascular benefits, muscle benefits, less stress, a prolonged life span.
im sure i don't need to ramble on about this stuff. its common sense.

next time i'll be going into what kind of food your body needs, and how to get it without eating like a starving rabbit!

Just another whale,

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