Monday, February 21, 2011

Tip 23: Clean Out Your Pantry!

A healthy diet starts by having healthy low-calorie food available. But before you go shopping, shouldn't you do some cleaning? Cleaning out your kitchen and throwing out (or donating) unhealthy food you shouldn't eat, can be a big step towards forcing yourself to eat healthy. It also can free up space for healthier foods!

Think about it this way, if you're hungry for something sweet and you have both peanut butter with celery and a milk chocolate bar in your house, which are you more likely to grab? If you're like most with a weak will, it'll probably end up being the chocolate!

Tip 23: Clean Out Your Pantry!

When you start a diet, you aim to start with a clean slate, a fresh start. Start this fresh slate with an abundance of healthy food choices, and a lack of bad food choices available at arm's length.

Click "read more" to see some tips for cleaning up your food supply.
Ditch These:
- chips
- candy
- chocolate
- soda
- premade frosting
- cookie and cake mixes
- canned meals (Chef Boyardee, Spaghetti O's, etc.)
- buttered or kettle popcorn (especially ones in the large bags)
- premade pasta mixes (those that have the powder packet and pasta in a bag, such as Mac N' Cheese or EasySides)
- canned pie fillings
- canned or powdered cheese
- cream-based soups (these are loaded with empty calories)
- flavored syrups (like that for flavoring coffee or pouring on waffles)
- cookies
- other dessert items
- anything expired (as long as you're cleaning, you might as well ditch these space-wasters) 
- use your common sense. if it isn't healthy, or something you would want a "healthy" you to be eating, then ditch it!

Keep These*:
- canned soup (vegetable based)
- canned fruit
- canned vegetables
- white pasta
*these may not be the best for a healthy diet, but when used in small doses (and rinsed very well in the case of canned veggies or fruits) they can be used up. however, avoid buying them, and opt for fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, whole wheat pasta. and lower calorie soups.

Don't waste! Athough you may not want these unhealthy foods, others might. You can donate things like chips, candy, and popcorn to your child's classroom for class parties or school dances. Canned and packaged foods can go to a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Places that help people in need are always thankful for donations, no matter what time of year! Let your heart grow as your waist shrinks.

Just Another Whale,

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