Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mini-Post #3

FIRST weigh-in: 229 lbs
Last week's weigh-in: 220.0
Today's weigh-in: 217.8 lbs.
Weight loss for the week: 2.2 lbs.
Weight loss to date: 11.2

Okay, so i only made it halfway to my goal of 4 pounds, but thats just a part of life. I experimented alot with different foods this week, tried to focus on little portions that were high in protein. I did not watch my calories so much as i watched my portion size. I also had the unfortunate mishap of feelings reallllllly thirsty last night, and as a result i drank a TON of water! Its probably a pound or two off because of all that water, but 2.2 pounds is still great. :) After all, its been three-ish weeks since i started, and ive lost almost 12 pounds! Thats an average of 4 pounds a week. And people are already noticing. :) Plus, i notice it not only in my jeans, but in the mirror on my face.

Next week I have three goals:

1. Lose 4 pounds.
2. Exercise every day until next weigh in for at least 65 minutes (increasing my exercise, and not taking my usual "day off" on sunday).
3. Starting tomorrow, write down everything i eat and drink in a food diary [there will be a post about this next week! :) ]


  1. thank you :)
    this upcoming week is going to be tough for me, im moving back to school, and its the first week of the semester-- which is always crazy!
