Monday, January 17, 2011

Tip 15: dump the drive-thru!

Sorry about the delay in posting- I had a very busy weekend! I was running around for almost 4 days straight! Speaking of running around, and having to eat on-the-go, that brings us to today's short tip!

Tip 15: Dump the Drive-thru Habit!

We all know fast food is bad for us, but none of us realize exactly how bad the habit is...

Oversize portions- lead to overeating.

French fries, cheeseburgers, and soda are all packed with high calorie counts- but none have complex carbs or enough protein (which are the things that keep you feeling full). You can eat at 2.30 and be hungry again at 3! This can lead to more eating.

Water is more expensive than soda at certain places- although water is well worth spending the extra money to get, most people don't.

Alot of fast food is drenched in grease and oil- which is not only fattening and bad for you, but can also lead to compulsive eating because their fatty taste can be rather addicting.

Even "healthy" items are often deceiving- caesar salads are probably the worst culprit (sometime you're better off with a cheeseburger!), but "fruit" smoothies (pumped full of ice cream or fruit flavoring instead of real fruit),  salads with crunchy chips or fatty meat on top, and fruit salads (which can sometimes be topped with sugary syrups) are all bad choices that seem good in theory.

Most of the food is not fresh- its processed, loaded with preservatives and excess salt.

How can we avoid the drive-thru while on the go?
- have small-portions of healthy snacks. they can be prepacked "100 Calorie Packs" or low-calorie snack bars (I love Kaishi, Luna, and Trio bars). or, if you prefer a cheaper solution- snack-size plastic bags filled with a home-made trail mix, low-calorie pretzels, almonds or walnuts, or cereal. The point is to have a small satisfying snack instead of a drive-thru meal so that you can eat later, hopefully somewhere that has healthier options.
- when planning a day for errands or a mall trip, try to schedule a meal at a healthy local restaurant if you must eat out. I know when i'm planning errands, i choose the order of stores in the most logical way, so im not driving back and forth all day. do the same with a meal if your errand list is that long!
- on a short day trip, pack a lunch. sandwiches are perfect for on-the-go, but salads and cold meals are also handy. during the warmer months, pack them in a cooler so that they stay cold.

This weekend, I avoided the drive-thru completely! I was so proud of myself, especially since fast food used to be my go-to at least 2-3 times every weekend. I choose small, healthy, low-calorie meals when I did eat out. I also avoided giving into any fatty snacks while watching a hockey game. I also kept myself to water-only, no matter where I went. :)

Just Another Whale,


  1. Hi Lyzz!

    I just came across your blog and I really appreciate what you are trying to do here. I am beginning my resolution to lose weight (190lbs) to at least 170 lbs by May when I am getting married. :) I will be looking up to you to keep me motivated! Cheers to you!

  2. Congrats on you getting married! Thats awesome! I wish you and your love a world of happiness and health. :)

    I'll be here anytime you need encouragement!

    Im so glad you have a reasonable goal in mind. Most brides-to-be expect to lose 100 pounds! That drastic weight loss is not only unhealthy but youll end up gaining it all back.

    Your goal to be 170 is very reasonable, i know you can do it!

  3. Wow! Thanks for all these tips! I currently weigh 114, and want to be 98 (that's -16) I'm also working on being able to see my abs....and thinner thighs. (Don't worry about the 98 pounds, I'm 13 and that is supposted to be my current weight. Do you have any tips, or suggestions or comments for that matter?

  4. you're 13, while its admirable you're concerned about your appearance (and your health too, I hope), don't take the number 98 to heart. your body is still growing, and everyone grows differently. my best advice would be to ditch the scale and instead focus on how you FEEL. use exercise as a way to give yourself confidence. don't look at your diet as something to restrict yourself with- instead use healthy food to give you energy. its been proven a healthy diet leads to a healthy state of being. junk food makes you feel like junk. feel good about yourself! thats an attitude most women WISH they had (me included!) start now and you have a whole life of happiness and confidence in front of you.

    best of luck! :)
